the Bree spot

the Bree spot
Abundance is found in simplicity!

Thursday 1 November 2012


So I am guessing that this is something that's not new! I have always been a morning person...voom voom and I am ready to go! But of late, it's been proving quite elusive. I have come across lots of people talking about the importance of a morning routine which should include exercise, a hearty breakfast, some moments of meditation etc etc

Well, morning is the determinant factor of your day and I am on a mission to make my days count. I It does not have to be something so drastic but maybe just the few baby steps to have a different start. Here are my favourite ideas thus far:
a) Wake up just a few minutes earlier than I did today- even 15 minutes earlier counts.
b) Stretch my hands and give the world a big 'Good morning smile!'
c) Spend at least 5 minutes in my bed, breathing in and breathing out....just so I can get into the groove of things
d) Don't just jump and hobble out of bed...make it a deliberate effort to get out of bed, plant my feet firmly on the ground, like someone with purpose!

Now, where is that tomorrow?

PS: Thank you Phil of for inspiring a change in my morning rituals!

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