the Bree spot

the Bree spot
Abundance is found in simplicity!

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Outfit round up- red, polka dots, leopard, ribbons, ruffles and bronze.
This is what I wore one particular day...I am so excited to have discovered Picasa (technology, that's what's up:) still getting the hang of it though, but for now, I like it
These are a few of my favourite things...and this was my 2nd 30*30 remix. 
I loved how the mix all came together nicely!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

I got this really beautiful e-mail, which I think is worth sharing for everyone to benefit:

People at the top of every profession share one quality – they get things done.

 Despite the simplicity of this concept, there is a perpetual shortage of people who excel at getting results.  The habit of putting ideas into action, now, is absolutely essential in business and life.  Here are six ways you can grow the action habit:-

1. Don’t wait until conditions are perfect
If you wait for perfect conditions you probably will never start.  In the real world there is no perfect time to start.  You just have to take action and deal with problems as they arise.

2. Be a doer
Practice doing things rather than thinking about them.  Do you want to start exercising?  Do you have a great idea to pitch to your team?  Do it today.  The longer an idea sits in your head without being acted on, the weaker it becomes.

3. Remember that ideas alone don’t bring success
Ideas are important, but they are only valuable after they’ve been implemented.  One average idea that’s been put into action is more valuable than a dozen brilliant ideas that you’re saving for “some other day” or the “right opportunity”.  Unless you take action on your ideas, you will never go anywhere.

4. Start your creative engine mechanically

One of the biggest misconceptions about creative work is that it can only be done when inspiration strikes.  If you wait for inspiration to slap you in the face, your work sessions will be few and far between.  If you need to write something, force yourself to sit down and write, put pen to paper, brainstorm.  By moving your hands you will stimulate the flow of ideas and inspire yourself.

5. Live in the Present
Focus on what you can do in the present moment.  The only time you can affect is the present.  If you speculate too much about the past or the future you won’t get anything done.  Tomorrow or next week frequently turns into never.

6. Get down to business immediately
It’s common practice for people to socialize and make small talk at the beginning of meetings.  The same is true for individual workers.  How often do you check emails before doing any real work?  These distractions will cost you serious time if you don’t bypass them and get down to business immediately.  By becoming someone who gets to the point, you will be more productive and people will look to you as a leader.

It takes courage to take action.  When you have a good idea, start implementing it without being told.  Once people see you are serious about getting things done they will want to join in.  The people at the top don’t have anyone telling them what to do.  If you want to join them, you should get used to acting independently.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

What to do when you don't know what to do!

A very interesting read... (copy and paste)

And the steps are very simple:
1. Start with desire.
2. Take a smart step as quickly as you can toward your goal.
3. Reflect and build on what you have learned from taking that step. 
4. Repeat.

Because it's three months into the year, and some of us still need that extra boost.

What I have learnt so far is that every small action counts!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Blessings in disguise

At the beginning of the year, it was really hard to connect the dots, but as the first quarter of the year has come to an end, I understand that God had it all planned out.

Had things worked out the way I had wanted, I would not have been able to dream the way I am now and do all these amazing things.

Sometimes, what is denied to you is actually a blessing in disguise! Even when I don't understand, I still grateful to God, because it does all work together for my own good!